Calculate genome coverage for fragments and write result to bigWig file.
Usage and options
Required arguments
-c, –chrom
Filename with chromosome sizes (*.chrom.sizes, *.fa.fai).
-i, –frag
Fragments TSV file for which to calculate genome coverage.
-o, –bw
BigWig filename to which the genome coverage data will be written.
Optional arguments
-n, –normalize
Normalize genome coverage data by dividing by sequencing depth (number of fragments) multiplied by 1 million. Default: False
-s, –scaling
Scaling factor for genome coverage data. If normalization is enabled, scaling is applied afterwards. Default: 1.0
-x, –cut-sites
Use 1 bp Tn5 cut sites (start and end of each fragment) instead of whole fragment length for coverage calculation. Default: False
Add chromosome prefix to each chromosome name found in the fragments file. Default: False